
Prison letter from Joe Lopez surfaces online

An alleged prison letter from the former Mazz singer surfaced online Tuesday.

An alleged prison letter from former Tejano superstar Joe Lopez surfaced online on Tuesday.

Advertisements posted a photo of the alleged letter from the singer.

Alleged Joe Lopez prison letter.
Alleged Joe Lopez prison letter.

UPDATE: A family friend of “Joey”, who received the letter from Joe Lopez, confirmed to TejanoNation that the letter is indeed from the singer.

The family friend provided the signature page from the letter to TejanoNation, but could not provide the full letter in order to protect personal information of Lopez’s family.  The photo of the signature page is below.

In the letter dated June 5 2015, Lopez talks about money troubles and problems with lawyers.  Lopez also mentions former District Attorney Armando Villalobos, who has since been convicted of corruption and is in prison.  Only the first page of the letter was posted on the site.

In November of 2006, the Grupo Mazz co-founder was ordered to serve a 20-year prison sentence for the molestation of a 13-year-old relative at his Rancho Viejo home on the charge of aggravated assault of a child. The jury also ordered 8 1/2 years for a second count of aggravated assault of a child, and four years for indecency with a child. The terms will run concurrently. Lopez will be eligible for parole in October 2016.

In 2014, DNA evidence was turned over to Lopez’s lawyers, but the retested findings have yet to be seen.

Signature page of prison letter from Joe Lopez.


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117 comments on “Prison letter from Joe Lopez surfaces online

  1. la reyna

    Can I write a letter to Joe I’ve been a fan for years..I want to wish him well..


    • Sending prayers his way I hope you do get to come home Joe love and will continue praying for you


      • I hope you make your first parole and come home. We know you are innocent!!!!


    • Joe Lopez will be release from prison on my birthday.
      Juan guadarrama from San antoinio texas on
      October 26, 2016 well come back joe. His new comeback
      Concert in San antoinio texas will be called MAZZ LIVES


      • martinez family

        I don’t think jimmy is accepting Joe Lopez back with his group no .jimmy is better then Joe but what Joe
        did no tiene corazon.


      • Your stupid, Jimmy ain’t shit , the only reason Jimmy is popular is because JOE LOPEZ made those huts and Jimmys fat ass ain’t shit, MAZZ ain’t shit no more, never was since joe is gone


  2. Jaime Solis, Jr.

    Reblogged this on TejanoMax and commented:


  3. I just hope Joe Lopez comes out of jail very soon The Lord is with him. who are we to judge only God can judge
    We miss his singing he is one of the greatest singer ever. We love u
    Joe Lopez. ❤️❤️🌹🌹❤️❤️🌹🌹


    • Belinda Canales

      You are right about who are we to judge,
      But you are talking about the innocence of a child and grown man should have known better especially when she was a family member, shame, shame, shame on him. That young girl’s life will forever be changed and traumatized due to a grown man who knew better, yes only God will judge and he definitely will get his…
      Belinda from Texas City. .


      • I agree 100%


      • Exactly how can people be overjoyed that he is been let out. The man is a rapist of children , he ruined that child forever in one way or other and if there was one I am sure there were others. Yes God will judge him and all those that stand behind him know I f full well he is evil!


      • Esteban Cisneros

        Have you ever thought that maybe … just maybe SHE seduced HIM and is lying about ALL of this, THINKING that he was EXTREMELY RICH and she would be awarded most, if not all, of his money !!! … IF … and that is a BIG IF, ANYTHING happened at all, THAT is what I believe happened … she was PISSED OFF at being FORCED to live with Joe and his wife so she figured that she could kill 2 birds with one stone … get to leave his home AND get rich at the same time !!! … It is VERY VERY EASY to rub a towel with cum on it onto ANYTHING … even panties … so I believe that the whole thing is a lie !!!


      • Completely agree with you! He deserves to be in there for the rest of his life!


      • Luis Ralph Salmon

        Joe is innocent, that so called child was and is a little slut, she tested positive for drugs and a sexually transmitted disease. Joe was negative, but this was not allowed din court. Do your research.


    • would you feel the same if it were your daughter?


      • Esteban Cisneros

        I would DEFINITELY take into consideration any and all of the FACTS … especially KNOWING how big of a LIAR she is !!! … The reason that she was being FORCED to live with Joe and his family WAS because of the “TYPE” of “girl” that she was / is !!! … She was already doing ALOT of things that she shouldn’t have been doing and was being “PUNISHED” for that by having to live with Joe’s family, which kept her from her “FRIENDS” and all of the “FUN” that she was used to having and OBVIOUSLY missed having … THAT’S why she did what she did and said what she said … so she could get back to her “FUN” !!!


      • I know a lot of children have been molested but on this case I don’t think that Mr Lopez lawyer did a good job. Because they convict him right away. My think is that did they do the test on her or just her close? That’s my question? Why did her mom send her there and why wasn’t her dad keeping an eye on her. We had two incidents here in SA where two 15 year old girls (separate cases) lied and the two innocent individuals were sentenced and when they turned 18 then the two recanted their statements that they lied. The two innocent were released. I don’t think he did it and they need to retry him and for his new lawyer to question her. I don’t think she will know what to do and now to hear that judge is in prison. He might of been bought to convict Mr Lopez. This is my taught. Also is his wife still around and what about his friends.


      • If it were my daughter I would definitely know if it was a lie or not. Young girls want to be the center of attention. Once They learn what sex is, right or wrong promiscuity is next.


      • Rose Garcia

        Extremely ricH HE SAYS THEN WHY COULDN’T HE BUY HIS WAY OUT. An. Innocent MY ASS he knew better


      • Nunya Biznez

        A thirteen year old seduced him??? Wow that’s the craziest thing I’ve ever heard. She is a CHILD! HE is an ADULT and shold know better. He’s a sick fuck. And deserves to be in there longer! Gross. I can’t believe there’s people actually blaming the victim. Disgusting.


      • Juanita Trevino

        I believe joe is innocent. That girl probally came on to him and when he refused her. She got even.Free Joe. He is a good man. We love you Joe.



      Is not as he was singing for God … He is a rapist n should not be close to young girls.


  4. cgfuentes31

    I am interested in trying to get information on Joe Lopez, to write to him or Email him. He needs all the Friends right now and I am open minded and though they found him Guilty, I feel he was set up but who will believe it when the charges are Sexual Assault of a Minor. I feel it was all about KONEY AND THE Truth will come out one day. Someone’s conscience will get the best of them. Never Fails!
    Thank You,
    Cynthia G. Fuentes
    Roanoke, Texas


    • Jo heisler

      I also would like to get in touch with Joe. We went to Brownsville High together. From where I was standing Joe never let’s his popularity go to his head. I was real proud of his success, but sadden at what he was being accused of. He needs to be aware that there loving fans standing on his corner. As for the victim,yes, there are very sexually mature and know it all girls out there. So don’t be fooled!


  5. When sentences run concurrently they run at the same time. So Joe Lopez will end up serving the longest of the three terms which would be 20 years, unless he qualifies for parole before then.


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  9. jorge ramires



    • The DNA has been retested the evidentiary items were turned over to the defense in June 2014. The defense did not want the green shorts worn by the 13-year-old relative that Lopez was convicted of having sex with at his Rancho Viejo condominium in 2004. According to testimony and court records, investigators found Lopez’s sperm on the shorts. The defense stated that with regard to the shorts all they wanted was the test data.

      It’s seems fairly obvious that the reason the results of the retest have not been published is probably because they are not favorable to Mr Lopez.


      • He could have been set up. Person he actually slept with could of wiped herself with those pair of short. It all about money. He is a talented tejano artis. women would have paid him just for a innocent night out. Family are sometimes your worst enemy. Jealousy can truly her a person. In my opinion he innocent. Especially why would he do that when he had women fall all over. If he guilty he has paid his time.


      • Esteban Cisneros

        FUCK the little bitch that was already fucking EVERYONE in town !!! THAT’S why her mom sent her to live with Joe and his family so she would have less access to that dick !!! The one whom is traumatized is Joe !!! HE’S the one that got 20 years in prison … NOT the LYING LITTLE SLUT that put him there !!! She rubbed Joe’s and his wife’s cum towel on her shorts and LIED HER FUCKING ASS OFF !!!


      • Proud Tejana

        The DNA wasn’t his. It belonged to a someone else. The shorts got all mixed up with other clothes that had semen from someone else and Villalobos just said they were from Joe Lopez.


  10. Fernando aguirre

    Wat jail is Joe Lopez in now 2015? Address?? Thanks much GOD BLESS


  11. You will always be in our heart…>!


  12. I think Joe is innoccent been a fan for a long time ny prayers are for him and his family ,sincerely Elma


    • It is apparent that you have never read about the DNA test. Twice.

      It seems that you don’t understand that he was convicted by a jury.

      Did you also know that he had another child from a 15 yr old child… And is paying child support. Came out in the trial.

      Do the words integrity and dignity…
      Mean anything to you?

      I didn’t think so.


      • Veronica Leal

        Is there a way to read the transcript from the trial? If so where can I get that information? Thank you for your help


      • Norma salinas

        And who cares Bob doesn’t every man in this world screw up eventually whether u r famous or not apparently you may need to read over the facts more cause he will be out in October


      • Naomi salaza

        You r ignorant he will be out in October n then eat your words bob


      • Norma Salazar

        You are ignorant or what just wait he will be out in October omg like all men are perfect please dude


      • Fans are blind.


      • Mary Castillo

        I agree, thats really sad being a popular singer he could of had any women why a child,no excuse sorry Joe but when you have daughter thats not forgiving in my part no matter how great your music was good luck starting over.


  13. Someone close to him should make a go fund me page, all the monies would help his attorney fees……most people know that there is corrupt people in the judicial system


    • Raquel Rangel

      People are so blinded by his fame and talent. But yet I hardly see any comments regarding the child. Cause that’s exactly what she was a child. Maybe if there was a little more defense for the child this wouldnt be happening so much.


      • Esteban Cisneros

        Raquel Rangel … Here’s a comment about the “CHILD” … FUCK the little bitch that was already fucking EVERYONE in town !!! THAT’S why her mom sent her to live with Joe and his family so she would have less access to that dick !!! The one whom is traumatized is Joe !!! HE’S the one that got 20 years in prison … NOT the LYING LITTLE SLUT that put him there !!! She rubbed Joe’s and his wife’s cum towel on her shorts and LIED HER FUCKING ASS OFF !!!


  14. Gloria Yracheta

    WHY would he even consider this minor knowing there are plenty of more attractive Women out there .He would have never put his career on the line. Set up 100%


    • Joe was set up by lawenforcement and the DAs office! Why? Alot of people wanted Joe out the way he was to successful what better way to get rid of Joe through a corrupted sheriff office and dirty Da… money controls everything!!


      • Lisa Nelms

        Joesph Vasquez , From reading the articles it looks that Joe Lopez was set up. I totally agree. So the corrupted Sherriff still in office? Maybe Texas Rangers need to Investigate this situation. Wow! Unbelievable!!! I’m from down south myself and I recall when Joe’s arrest took place. Why would he even want a child at 13 years of age , he had all the women he could have. Joe Lopez had women left n right. I know he’s innocent.


      • He was found guilty by a jury of his peers. Don’t let his “celebrity” status blind from that fact alone. 12 people were believed he was guilty of having sex with a minor. If the minor was your daughter,niece or sister would you still believe he was ‘setup’? Not eevery singer, actor or athlete is a hero.


      • Don’t let his ‘celebrity’ status cloud your judgment. He was found guilty by a jury of his peers. The judge presided the case and held court. The jury believed he was guilty of having sex with a minor. If the minor happened to be your daughter or sister or niece would you still firmly believe he is innocent and ‘set up’? Fans are ignorant and blind. Fans put celebrities on a pedestal that shields them from criticism and judgement. Ignorance begets ignorance.


    • That is dumb because he had plenty of woman throwing themselves at him doesn’t mean nothing. If he prefers little girls and is sick in the head and wants minors then having older woman throwing themselves at him doesn’t mean anything to him. That is the most ignorant comment all of the ones saying why would he want a 13 year old? UH maybe because he is a nasty man that likes molesting and sexually molesting kids. That could be a freaken reason.


      • Lol. He could have a thing for little ones….I hope all these people put themselves or their kids in this situation and see if just because your a fan he is inocent.


      • Your so right I’m a big fan of Joe since way back but we know his fame not his mind and yes I saw many women throw themselves at him his bro.lived in Baytown TX he was best friends with my ex.he didn’t seem to be a child molester but we don’t know what goes on behind closed doors. I pray that if he is innocent he gets out but if he did do it he needs to continue to pay for the crime if it was your daughter would not be praising him.i love his music and he would always dedicate my favorite song when he saw me at the club.he was cool.but again if he’s guilty do your time..


    • Or he likes little girls, lets not pretend horrible people like this do exist. Plenty of bands have been convicted of Child molestation. Just saying


      • Esteban Cisneros

        FUCK the little bitch that was already fucking EVERYONE in town !!! THAT’S why her mom sent her to live with Joe and his family so she would have less access to that dick !!! The one whom is traumatized is Joe !!! HE’S the one that got 20 years in prison … NOT the LYING LITTLE SLUT that put him there !!! She rubbed Joe’s and his wife’s cum towel on her shorts and LIED HER FUCKING ASS OFF !!!


  15. I agree Joe Lopez is innocent I’m a teajano my self I remember his 1st cassette my prayers Joe god is great best of the best


  16. Only god knows the real truth and it will come out sooner or later life is so cruel sometimes but it always has its reasons for why it happens I think jimmy Gonzalez took advantage of the situation of calling his group grupo mazz cause the real mazz was Joe Lopez his songs were the real thing all the rest are wanna bes I’m praying for your release Joe Lopez we miss your songs your the real MAZZ none else


  17. Pingback: Joe Lopez eligible for parole in 2016 | TEJANO NATION

  18. Benigna soto

    My prayer are with you mr Lopez May god bless you the truth will surface gods on your side you will be out soon God willing miss your music Your fan Always Bennie soto


  19. Fuck this punk!! Some stupid people don’t know how traumatized a child is by a pedophile!!! People don’t just screw up in life like this!!! I hope this piece of shit never comes out!!!


    • Esteban Cisneros

      Stanley … FUCK the little bitch that was already fucking EVERYONE in town !!! THAT’S why her mom sent her to live with Joe and his family so she would have less access to that dick !!! The one whom is traumatized is Joe !!! HE’S the one that got 20 years in prison … NOT the LYING LITTLE SLUT that put him there !!! So FUCK YOU !!!


  20. Deborah Morales

    I believe he is innocent!!!…._All the beautiful woman in the sea available to his leisure….Y would he jeapodize his future…. ur in my prayers Joe…..Miss U babe


    • Stupid, that doesn’t mean anything just cause he has all the women the world!! Why do politicians, actors, teachers etc do it?? Because that’s what they’re into, they want to satisfy their sexual desire!!


    • You were probably one of the many ‘beautiful women’ that made themselves available to his leisure, weren’t you? He was found guilty by a jury of his peers, not a judge or DA but his peers. If the minor was your daughter, niece or sister would you still believe he is innocent?


  21. My mother grew up with Joe Lopez, She knows him personally and his family they are humble as they come with alot of integrity she believes in his innocence as so do we. The truth will come out and we will prevail.. From the Conde family in Brownsville, Tx


  22. That is dumb because he had plenty of woman throwing themselves at him doesn’t mean nothing. If he prefers little girls and is sick in the head and wants minors then having older woman throwing themselves at him doesn’t mean anything to him. That is the most ignorant comment all of the ones saying why would he want a 13 year old? UH maybe because he is a nasty man that likes molesting and sexually molesting kids. That could be a freaken reason.


    • Esteban Cisneros

      FUCK the little bitch that was already fucking EVERYONE in town !!! THAT’S why her mom sent her to live with Joe and his family so she would have less access to that dick !!! The one whom is traumatized is Joe !!! HE’S the one that got 20 years in prison … NOT the LYING LITTLE SLUT that put him there !!! She rubbed Joe’s and his wife’s cum towel on her shorts and LIED HER FUCKING ASS OFF !!!


  23. Christina

    Whether or not he did it or not is just something that he, the accuser and God knows. Someone will have to answer to God in the end and that’s all that really matters. To those who think he didn’t do it, no one knows anyone just by listening to music. If his preference is kids, that will not be openly available to his fans. He is a singer with a reputation at stake. To those who think he’s guilty, there are gold digging people out there that will do and say whatever for a dollar. Whether or not he has a child with a different minor, doesn’t necessarily mean he did the other. It just puts him in a position to be accused for another.


    • You hit the nail in the head……Fans are blind and usually are in denial when their hero or crush singer is accused of some horrendous crime.


  24. It too bad but he made a mistake. It does not surprise me, many years ago I pick him up in a cab I was driving. He was in a panic state going out of his mind. Was claiming that the cop at the club he was playing wanted to kill him. I tried to calm him down and drop him at his motel. It look to me like he was on drugs. He is a great singer.


  25. Bianca Rivera

    I grew up listening to Joe Lopez music and I loved his music. But just because I loved his music doesn’t mean he didn’t do it. Right now their are so many educated, politicians, celebrities and even priests that are sick fucks that like little kids. I just seen that movie Spotlight about this news paper journalists investigation on the Boston busting the massive scandal of child molestation by the Catholic priests all over the country. And you would never think a priest would do it but they fucking do. So YES it’s possible that this sick fuck would molest a child and put his career in jeopardy and he did. Yes he had many woman but he must’ve been into kids. No one is thinking about the children. Anything is possible!!!!


  26. Carlos RAMIREZ jr

    Just happy Joe is getting a chance to show his innocent the right way, God bless in our prayers…


  27. Sorry to about Joe Lopez, but to all respect, this girls now a days look and dress like if they were 20 on more, they throw them self at musician just to say, (I got him.) Parents fines out and what they do is and see is $$$$$. Like we got him now. Crying shame. I am 66 years old gone to a lot of dances when Joe Lopez, little Joe,The Latin breed, and many more,seem like those little girls, what they would to go out with them. Sad but so true. JOE LOPEZ is one of the best sorry.




  29. Hahaha ha

    Look yall stupid ass mufukerz…he still trying to say he’s innocent and until he admits what he did he ain’t going no where but to the next cell to get sodimized by his celly they should cut off his baby ass dick and sew it to his bitch ass face


    • Esteban Cisneros

      FUCK the little bitch that was already fucking EVERYONE in town !!! THAT’S why her mom sent her to live with Joe and his family so she would have less access to that dick !!! The one whom is traumatized is Joe !!! HE’S the one that got 20 years in prison … NOT the LYING LITTLE SLUT that put him there !!! So FUCK YOU you stupid ass “mufuker” !!! And for his dick it would be better off IN YOUR MOUTH “mufuker” !!!


  30. Ur worst nightmarr

    Fukk Joe


    • Esteban Cisneros

      FUKK YOU !!! FUCK the little bitch that was already fucking EVERYONE in town !!! THAT’S why her mom sent her to live with Joe and his family so she would have less access to that dick !!! The one whom is traumatized is Joe !!! HE’S the one that got 20 years in prison … NOT the LYING LITTLE SLUT that put him there !!! She rubbed Joe’s and his wife’s cum towel on her shorts and LIED HER FUCKING ASS OFF !!!


  31. He should think wht he did ?? N he deserve to do his time man like those need to be behind bars …


  32. Praying and hoping that everything will comes out alright. That when you come out that you come out with new songs and we your fans will follow you and your music. Your friend and fan of your music Yolanda Palacios, San Benito, Texas.


  33. I use to be a big fan of his music … Not anymore !!!
    Yall people are ridiculous !! This is not okay !!! He hurt a child!! What is wrong with y’all? I hope he stays in prison !!!!! All of you who support him why don’t you let your child stay in his house !! I hope he gets what he deserves in prison !!!! Basically your saying let’s support a child molester !!!!!! Never !!!!! #GoToHell


    • I LOVE your comment! It was by far the BEST written…when u said “let your child stay in his house”….these people are so blind, they don’t realize he has served time in prison for being guilty….if it’s not for that, then what was he in for the last 10years right?! I’m glad to know we think alike! Thank u for posting this.


      • Esteban Cisneros

        Marie & Delya … FUCK the little bitch that was already fucking EVERYONE in town !!! THAT’S why her mom sent her to live with Joe and his family so she would have less access to that dick !!! The one whom is traumatized is Joe !!! HE’S the one that got 20 years in prison … NOT the LYING LITTLE SLUT that put him there !!! She rubbed Joe’s and his wife’s cum towel on her shorts and LIED HER FUCKING ASS OFF !!!


  34. I honestly think that if he was dumb enough to do this to a child he should stay there. Once release he should not be allowed to be around any minor children. Set up or not a child will not make that up. Yes he WAS a great entertainer & the child that he sexually assaulted WAS pure & innocent, until this so called man took that from her.


  35. Leticia Gómez

    Will be praying for your release, we are and always will be fans of Grupo Mazz have faith you will be home soon


  36. Longoria


    Just left the latest jimmy and mazz show…

    He ,Jimmy is AWESOME. He is just NOT JOE GOD BLESS U BOTH


  37. Fernando antu

    I honestly believe joe is innocent and all you negative people who are commenting remember karma is a bitch and y’all deserve everything that’s coming to y’all good luck jo Lopez on ur upcoming parole date hope you get out please let him out


  38. Danny H Rojo

    JoeLopez is sorely missed by the majority of Tejano
    Music fanatics. Everybody (se nos van las patas)
    Screws up in life, but we all pay for our many faults
    Before we die. We all pray that he continues singing after he
    Pays his debt to society.


  39. could he be a serial molester ? sure. could a spoiled , coked – up music star be set up by people close to him that he trusted ? sure . was his behavior as drunk/high/sloppy to the point of not aware of his actions ? dont know .I dont think he was charged with forcible rape , so maybe hes served his time . just tryin to find a middle ground here people .


  40. Chingtumadre

    Esteban fuk Joe and u!! He is a pedophile plain and simple!! Even if the little bitch was screwing everyone in town it doesn’t make it right for Joe the pendejo to screw her!!!!! You stupid ass can’t you see that! If he was innocent which he’s not his old fat ass would be home already singing his songs with Jimmys fat ass! Give it up he ain’t coming out till he repents for his sins!


    • Esteban Cisneros

      This is for YOU … “Chingatumadre” … I NEVER did say that Joe did fuck her … what I said is that she LIED HER ASS OFF about them having sex and being raped … what she did was rub Joe’s cum towel on her panties (from Joe and his wife the night before) so her LIE would work just so she could go back home and be ABLE to get back to fucking ANYONE & EVERYONE that she NORMALLY did BEFORE she was sent to live with Joe … THAT’S what I said … NOT what YOUR STUPID FAGGOT ASS “THOUGHT” I said … so there NOW you should UNDERSTAND EXACTLY what I said … I NEVER SAID THAT JOE “DID” FUCK HER … do you understand now “VAVOSO” ??? THAT’S what you should call yourself … VAVOSO instead of what you do call yourself cause VAVOSO fits you MUCH MUCH BETTER than what you do call yourself now !!!


      • Chingarestabansmadre

        Esteban tas bien pendejo! If you are blaming the victim you are as stupid as I thought! You should call yourself JOES BITCH! That fits YOU better! I HOPE YOU HAVE A DAUGHTER AND THIS KIND OF SHIT HAPPENS TO HER OR YOUR SISTER EVEN TU PINCHE MADRE JODIDA! Ahorra ve a chingar a TU MADRE hijo de perra!


  41. Chingtumadre

    Esteban fuk Joe and u!! He is a pedophile plain and simple!! Even if the little bitch was screwing everyone in town it doesn’t make it right for Joe the pendejo to screw her!!!!! You stupid ass can’t you see that! If he was innocent which he’s not his old fat ass would be home already singing his songs with Jimmys fat ass! Give it up he ain’t coming out till he repents for his sins! Ni valia verga el pinche way!


    • Esteban Cisneros

      THIS IS FOR YOU “Chingtumadre” … YOU are ALL of the people’s BUTT BUDDY whom had ANYTHING to do with his conviction … YOU, my bitch, are the one whom keeps getting a TRAIN pulled on YOU’RE fucking whoto ass !!! … And the fucked up part of the whole deal with YOU is that YOU KEEP LOVING IT VAVOSO !!! … TOO BAD that I have ALREADY FUCKED YOUR WHOLE FAMILY in EVERY orifice possible … INCLUDING your PINCHE PUTA MADRE !!! … For YOU’RE retarted ass ORIFICE means HOLE pinche vato retardado !!! … And TU MADRE is the one that KEPT and STILL keeps asking for more of MY 4 inch thick and 9 inch long chorizo … even though I MADE her pinche panosha STAY WIDE OPEN !!! … ALL of the other PANOCHUDAS in tu pinche familia WERE sort of tight till I got a hold of them !!! … NOW I KNOW that THEY can’t feel ANYONE stick it in them any more… They’re ALL WISHING that I would STILL WANT some of that LOOSE PANOCHA … but TOO BAD that I leave them SOOOOOOO LOOSE that NOT EVEN I want any more of that … so THERE YOU GO, PENDEJO … you want too talk like that, THIS is what I HAVE to say … LA VERDAD, PINCHE VATO CIEGO !!!!!!!


      • Chingatumadre

        Pinche Esteban mamon! The puesto que se la mamaste a Joe en in tiempo. Come TU puta MADRE me la mamo a mi. Prestame TU hija porque to MADRE ya esta muy suelta del fondio y de sue panocha pestosa! Hijo de puta! ERES JOTO COMO TU JEFE Y HIJO!!!!


    • He’sthe best tejano band out there including Jimmy Gonzalez Joe Lopez is and always has been innocent pendejo have you seen all the stuff she and her mom were trying to get off him? No you don’t. Did you read the letters she wrote to her friends and her friends put on the internet she was going to roll into money.well no lil putita it didnt happen so you decided to grab his semen and rub it on your clothes but it wasnt inside of you thats why they would never bring it up.your mommy forgot to school you.but our well LOVED JOE LOPEZ JIMMY GONZALEZ GRUPO MAZZ THE BEST TEJANO BAND. “EVER” you keep doing your thing and let Joe and Jimmy do his. Hope one of your step kids cause if you dont have them yet you will soon will do the same to you.


  42. Trust me, this little girl’s life was anything but ruined because of this. She made up all kinds of lies so she could be with her “boyfriend ” who at the time was a grown man over the age of 20, and she was only 13. By the age of 13, this little girl had already had multiple sex partners and some of them were adult men. You’re a fool of you feel sorry for her. Joe, on the other hand has paid a very high price for opening the doors of his home to his niece, and thos is how she pays him. I pray for his family that Joe is set free by the end of this year!


  43. Big Fan of Joe Lopez … Keep your head up Joe .. Hope you do get that parole in October .. Stay strong Friend


  44. Free Joe Lopez Esteban Cisneros get at me we might be related 509/8238193


  45. Irma Vargas

    Mi quierdo Joe Lopez ..I’m writing to u …express my love &support. towards u…write me expecting ur. letter…siempre ..WERA DE WEST TEXAS


    • Joe Lopez es el mAs amable parA mi ya mero te vas a salir de la carsel y luego vas a estar con tu familias y con tus niños


  46. Irma Andrada

    Prayers for Joe Lopez and I pray that he makes parole in October.


  47. Patience Ramirez

    It’s so disturbing to read these comments. Yes he was a Tejano legend, growing up we heard his music nearly every day. But to call a 13 year old child a slut who manipulated am older man?? You’re really blaming the victim? And oh he had tons of women – no it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter who he had or could have he molested a child and it doesn’t matter that’s he a celebrity or singer or his race or ethnicity he MOLESTED a child and that is with DNA evidence. You’d really welcome this man with open arms into your your homes because he was famous? Between the incredibly bad spelling, slut shaming, and ignorant posts- I know women that people have such a long way to go still.


    • Esteban Cisneros

      Patience Ramirez … I’m REALLY SORRY that my comments couldn’t have been private to “CHINGTUMADRE” and everyone else whom I responded to in that manner … About the spelling, I am not a very good speller in Mexican (as you very well saw) due to my blood line of 3/4 Apache ( of the Mescalero Tribe) and 1/4 Spaniard … I understand the Mexican language about 75 % when spoken to me as well as speaking it, let alone spelling it … The ONLY reason that I understand and speak it is because I have worked around Mexicans for about 32 years … I was born and raised in Brownfield Tx. and moved to Austin Tx. when I was 17 yrs. old and have been here in Austin for 32 years … The 32 years that I have been here in Austin is when I started not only working with Mexicans but understanding and speaking their language as well … AT THE TIME I felt that I just HAD to talk to him in the manner that he spoken to me … a day or two later I felt SO BAD knowing that A LOT of people read the profane language that I had used that I went back and TRIED AND TRIED to completely delete each and every
      post that I had used profane language in … Once again, I am VERY SORRY that not only you read that but more than likely everyone else that reads and responds to anything and everything about this letter from Joe Lopez …


      • Chingatumadre

        Pinche lying marochin!!! U ARE NOT INDIAN UR 100% panocha!!!! Y toda TU familia JODIDA tambien! De BROWNFIELD SALEN LOS JOTOS!!


  48. joesoph

    A child is a child, regardless, what what she looks like, or even acts. Every adult , knows …..what’s the old saying among buddies, 15 will get you 30. That was a saying when you notice a young girl looking good. They have a right, to look good, …..and act more mature, but we all know, that the investigation, would have determine if she lied. And Mr. Cisneros,….. grow up.,….. you are probably hating on an innocent young lady now. Let it go.


    • Esteban Cisneros

      Well … Mr. JOESOPH … not only was ALMOST EVERYONE, that had ANYTHING to do with his conviction, found to be dirty and corrupt … BUT … don’t you think that YOU might be the one HATING on an INNOCENT OLD MAN ??? … Let me put it to you like this, Mr. JOESOPH, how about I “grow up” when YOU “grow a brain” that can look past having SYMPATHY for what HAD NOT been a “child” ( in ANY way, shape or form, OTHER than age ) for AT LEAST 2 years PRIOR to the ALLEGED incident !!!!!!! … She had been a BIG TIME PROBLEM “CHILD” for AT LEAST 2 years prior … THAT’S why she was being FORCED to stay with Joe and his family AT his ranch … to keep her away from her CONSTANT and EXTREME PARTYING … ESPECIALLY away from her MULTIPLE sex partners … PLEASE don’t tell me that you honestly believe that EVERYONE that get’s convicted of ANY crime is GUILTY ?!? … I HOPE AND PRAY that IF/WHEN you ever have a “CHILD”, that he/she accuses YOU of molesting/raping him/her … THAT way YOU will “KNOW”, 1st HAND, that ANYONE/EVERYONE (even a “child”) is CAPABLE of LYING … ESPECIALLY when they KNOW that THAT’S the ONLY way that they can/will get their way !!! … THAT’S the ONLY WAY that people like YOU will EVER LEARN that EVERYONE is capable of doing/saying ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING to get what they want and to “NEVER judge a book by it’s cover” … I REST MY CASE … Mr. JOESOPH …


  49. Proud To Be A Tejana

    Have you all not read the true story of this case. Really! Villalobos put Joe in jail cuz Joe Lopez couldn’t play at his(Villalobos) party he was having so Villalobos got mad. Read more people! Why do you think Villalobos is in prison?! He’s so corrupted! Villalobos took so much money from Joe promising Joe he would help him and still put Joe in jail. So now who’s in prison? Exactly!!!!! I’m so HAPPY Joe Lopez is getting out of jail!!!!!




    • Esteban Cisneros

      This goes out to you “WAR” … I hope and pray that one day soon YOU get “wrongfully” convicted of the SAME EXACT SHIT that Joe was “wrongfully” convicted of and that EVERYONE says “CONVICTED! ENOUGH SAID” to you and about you as well … I hope and pray that ANY teen living with YOU gets SO PISSED OFF AT YOU, one day soon, that she uses the EXACT SAME LIE to get YOU out of the picture, so she can get HER way, just like Joe’s niece did to him … SEE HOW YOU LIKE THAT !!!


  51. Juano el tejano

    Is everybody ready for the RETURN OF “GRUPO MAZZ ” THE KING
    OF TEJANO MUSIC. with a live performance of Joe Lopez in San
    Antonio Texas at ( La Villita) THE RESERECTION TOUR
    MAZZ LIVEZZ. Tejano music died with Selena but with this live tour
    GRUPO MAZZ will reserect Tejano misic And will be back at number
    One in the misic industry. (” MAZZ LIVEZZ”) be there for history
    In the making.


  52. Joe Lopez is in need of a second chance. Only God can judge us all. As for Jimmy, if he doesn’t want to take him back it’s OK. Jimmy is already down. Younger groups like Siggno etc. are outdoing him. He was doing in Eagle Pass on Jan. 1, 2017 and it shows. As for Joe Lopez, his voice is still there and other of his ex-musicians will probably join him. Hopefully Brandon Mireles from EP will join him.


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